Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Right Choice...

Buat pilihan yg betul. Aku telah mmbuat pilihan utk ambik course engineering di UIA...that's my choice. Tp pada hari ini, aku masuk la klas BI dan msuk2 jew...lecturer dh ad dlam klas..biasanyer aku smpai awal pd dia..hehe...bukan tu jer...dia dh siap tulis task yg kitorang prlu bwat. Tajuknyer "health". discuss with group of 4 person and present. so, klas aku xde bdak medic...yg ad bdak engin dgn architecture jew. kitorang pun discuss  la ap yg nk kena present...then, smpai la turn kitorang...

Aku kna present pasal diet plan for teenagers, pregnant mother, diabetic and senior citizen. Knp plk aku yg kna present paling bnyk?? oh noo.... ok fine, aku pun present la... aku pun hurai la satu2 ap nutrisi yg perlu bg setiap kategori itu...teenagers, of course la a lot of energy, msti bnyk carbohydrates n protein yg kna ambik. and last skali smpai yg turn senior citizen...aku pun ulas la pasal fibre..something like oats that neutralize cholesterol in our body and also in our heart to maintain the blood circulation. Secara tidak sengaja...aku pun terkeluar la pasal topik heart attack n aku tnya diorang what the cause of heart attack. rmai yg jwb because of cholesterol...ok fine..btul...then aku pun continued...Heart disease also known as angina or myocardial infarction. this disease is not same with heart arrest. Usually, angina cause by the formation of embolus in the large blood arteries and finally loco-mote into the small artery in our heart which is coronary artery. I hope all of u know how the formation of embolus right...lpas tu ad sorang mnyahut dr jauh..'i don't know'...then aku jwb...after on internet..haha

Dlm presentation tu...aku siap kna ulas pasal CABG, affliated tissue muscle, 10-stitch surgery, aspirin la....what the heck...ini bknnyer klas bio...korang smua ni saje jew nk tarik aku utk ulas pasal bnda2 ni..addoi yai...Tp aku tgk smua focus mndengar krn diorng x tau pasal bnda2, aku bg tau la satu2...n korang tau ke ap tu CABG?? ianya singkatan utk coronary artery bypass graft...slh satu drpd surgery dlm heart disease...lpas abis jew presentation tu...lecturer aku pun tnye..what is the difference between heart attack and heart arrest??...oh tidakkk...xkan la aku kna ulas lg....easily i said, heart arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stop beating and it need to do juiced or fibrillation to the heart...alaaa...yg dktor gna mcm seterika yg tkan kat dada tu...haaa..tu la bndanyer...hehe...but heart still beat but in different rate of arrhythmia..mnatang ap plk ni...ok, i will not describe this disease...hahaha....thats all.

"i think, you have to compete in medical course not in engineering..why you choose engin??" lecturer ak tnye..."i hate bio, thats why i choose engin but i like cardiothoracic"...huhu..tu lar critanyer...bgaimana seorng bdk engin mmpu mngulas pasal jantung...n insyaAllah, aku akan invent something that related to the heart tu jew yg ak tau...klu korang tnye pasal bnda2 lain yg xde kaitan dgn jntung...haram aku xleh jwb..sbb tu aku x suka bio..hehehe...wallahualam...